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Renewable power for regional businesses

Collaboration driving innovation

Green Hydrogen value chains

Green Hydrogen value chains

Sustainable Social Housing utilising industrial waste

Sustainable Social Housing utilising industrial waste

Soil carbon and protein from marginal lands

Soil carbon and protein from marginal lands

About Us

About Us

Nexsys Industries

Scott McArdle

Based in Gippsland, Nexsys Industries Consulting specialises in regional and place-based sustainable development practices and solutions, working in partnership with proponents and communities to optimise and share benefits and collaborative practice, leading to healthy and sustainable growth. We focus on opportunities for growth and sustainability, looking to the future whilst building on the strengths of today. We are systems thinking and practice specialists, taking a wholistic and interrelated view of the world. We facilitate and connect opportunities and support collaborative practice.

Our work in industries and communities is connected – we view social and economic development as connected and interdependent elements of sustainable practice. In focussing on building thriving industries, we support the flow of people, knowledge, money and interactions that help foster healthy and productive communities.

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Specialist Development Facilitators

Development Consulting

As specialist development facilitators, we work alongside proponents to help deliver regional infrastructure and industry development opportunities. We work in partnership or as a service provider/consultant to developers on

  • Location identification
  • Economic development – identifying and developing value chains and business connections
  • Workforce and skills – building partnerships with training providers
  • Community consultation and engagement, communications planning
  • Social and community participation in development
  • Exploring and creating connections with governments and key stakeholders
  • Grant development and writing, submission support

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Development Consulting
Opportunity Growing + Origination

Specialist Development Facilitators

Opportunity Brokering & Origination

Focal areas for our brokering practice are

  • Facilitating regional connections for developers/infrastructure proponents, across supply chains, government, community and industry sectors
  • Workforce and skills development, with collaborative practice at the centre

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  • Enviro Micro Bio
  • Marathon Electrical
  • Mondo
  • Qu Community
  • Oxamii
  • University of Melbourne
  • Greening the Earth
  • RMIT
  • Australian Renewables Academy
  • GBS Recruitment
  • Workforce Plus
  • Management Governance Australia

Nexsys Industries – Key Projects in Development

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